
Chile & Cumin Hanger Steak

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The World Spice Cookbook Club is thrilled to be cooking from Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond at the upcoming June 3rd Meet & Eat. As with last June’s Meet & Eat, the club is returning to our warehouse location and will be grilling up a storm. Robert, our fearless warehouse leader, was the first to call his recipe and it looks delicious and easy (smart guy, because he’s a busy man.) Here it is for you to enjoy at home!

From Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond: “At traditional Brazilian churrascarias, rock salt is usually sprinkled on the side of meat that faces the grill, then knocked off just before serving. It’s tasty just like that, but we’ve adapted our steak to include a bit more spice. Our Chili & Cumin Marinade is a blend of vinegar, cumin seeds, oregano, and red pepper flakes; we use it to marinate all our steaks, but it’s equally good on lamb or fish.”


Chili and Cumin Marinated Steak





Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond is the June selection for the World Spice Cookbook Club. Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond is currently available for purchase at our retail store.

Reprinted with permission from Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond, published in 2014 by Sterling Epicure. Text © 2014 Cabana; Photography © 2014 Martin Poole. All rights reserved.

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