
Asian Chicken Salad

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Asian Chicken SaladWe’re crazy in love with our Cascade Mushroom Mix, featured in this Asian chicken salad with just the right embellishments. We put the mushroom mix in the marinade, where the umami flavor magic made the meat meatier. The depth of flavor was unbelievable, so we created two more versions to enjoy!mushroom_chx_smFor the Asian chicken salad, we added carrots, cashews, and bok choy. After you’ve tried this recipe, check out our Middle Eastern and Mediterranean versions for more mushroom marinade goodness!


  1. Izzy says:

    This sounds absolutely wonderful. I love new recipes. The new mushroom mix sound delightful and very versatile.

    • Sherrie says:

      All of the salads using the Cascade Mushroom Mix were delicious! We’ve found that the Cascade Mushroom Mix is a wonderful base for many dishes…

  2. Jeanne says:

    Do you cook the baby book Chou or eat raw?

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