
Fresh Asparagus Soup

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Simple and rustic, this is my go-to asparagus soup. Every spring, I bring home 2 or 3 pounds of fresh spears to make a big batch. The preparation is quick and you’ll have a hearty and healthy pot of soup on the table in under an hour. Close tending is needed to make sure the asparagus doesn’t get overcooked, but the reward is a bright and true flavor that can be complimented by many different seasonings. Our Cascade Mushroom Mix is my secret ingredient for the base, and a combination of Herbes de Provence and Meyer Lemon Paste puts it over the top. If you don’t have these seasonings on hand there are lots of other options! Read below the recipe for suggestions.

Play with your food!

No Cascade Mushroom Mix? Add in fresh mushrooms when you saute the onions. Not a mushroom fan? Just leave it out!

No Herbes de Provence? Try Italian Herbs, El Greco or Orange Tarragon blend.

No Preserved Meyer Lemon Paste? Use fresh lemon juice

Want to fancy up the garnishes? Try truffle salt, Provencal salt or Fennel Pollen.


  1. Gloria Anton says:

    Cooking this now, but at no point in the instructions does it indicate when to add the 1 tablespoon Herbes de Provence and 1 tablespoon Meyer Lemon Paste, Bay Leaf & Black Pepper. So, I added it the last minute of cooking the onions with the Cascade Mushroom mix, then added the Chicken Bone Broth. I’m hoping it doesn’t change anything, it sure smells awesome! (I reread the recipe 4 times and couldn’t pick that out of the instructions – maybe I need new glasses? LoL)

    • Amanda says:

      Hi Gloria- no glasses needed on your end, it was my mistake! Thanks for pointing it out so we could correct. It was fine to add when you did, and I hope the soup turned out delicious. I added it at the “low boil” step and have added it to the recipe there. As asparagus season continues, and if you love it as I do, go ahead and try it with different seasonings and freeze some for winter. There is nothing better than pulling some of this out of the freezer when there is none fresh on the shelf. happy Cooking!

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