
Advieh Date Bars

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Dates deserve more credit! They have a rich, fruity taste, similar to a raisin, with a honey or caramel sweetness. It’s a versatile flavor, making them fantastic in all sorts of food. Growing up, I loved the date bars my mother would make from a mix she found at the grocery store. That mix hasn’t been available for a long time, but I acquired a recipe from a coworker, years later, that makes an excellent substitute.Of course, we couldn’t resist giving it a few tweaks…

Dates are common throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East, and feature heavily in local cuisines as both a standalone snack and an ingredient in sweet or savory dishes. We seasoned these date bars with the Advieh, a Persian spice blend. With a blend of cassia and true cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, and roses, it’s an ideal mix to add depth to the natural flavor of the dates. We went light on added sugar for this recipe, letting the natural sweetness of the dates do the heavy lifting. It’s a good thing, too, since you won’t feel guilty for eating two!

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